Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Going far the (Calorie) Burn

The more you weight, the more calories you burn. It's a simple matter of physics: Moving a heavier mass takes more energy than moving a lighter one. In people terms, a 250-pound person burns twice as many calories while walking the same distance as someone who weighs only 125 pounds.

Diet Start

10,000 steps

Rather than time your walks, you can count your steps. The goal is 10,000 steps, which translates closely to the recommendations made by the Surgeon General to engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. A simple $20 to $30 pedometer attached to your belt can do the counting for you.

Wear a pedometer for a few days to get a sense of how many steps your normal routine takes. (Most inactive people take only 2,000 to 4,000 steps a day.) When you know how many steps you normally take, add about 500 extra steps for a few days, then add 500 more, and so on. Moderately active people take 5,000 to 7,000 and active people reach the 10,000-step mark, or about 5 miles. To help with your weight-loss plan, you'll need to move up to a minimum of 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day (or 45 minutes) - and ideally 20,000 steps or about 1 hour.

As you step up your count, you'll find that you'll need to add walking to your day in order to make your target. Check out the following ways to work more walking into your day:

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  2. Park in the farthest spot in the lot
  3. Walk with the dog
  4. Walk to the bus stop with the children
  5. Dance
  6. Park the golf cart and walk the course
  7. Cruise around the shopping mall three times before starting to shop
  8. Pace the long corridors of the airport while waiting for a flight, and stay off the moving sidewalks
  9. Give up e-mail or phone calls and walk to your coworkers' desks

Activity During 20 minutes

Body Weight of 134 Pounds

Body Weight of 183 Pounds

Aerobic dance

128 Calories

170 Calories

Ballroom dance

64 Calories

84 Calories


172 Calories

220 Calories


54 Calories

74 Calories


76 Calories

102 Calories

Cross-country skiing

148 Calories

198 Calories


80 Calories

106 Calories


164 Calories

220 Calories

Jumping Rope

204 Calories

272 Calories

Mopping Floors

76 Calories

102 Calories

Mowing (push mower)

138 Calories

186 Calories


220 Calories

296 Calories


66 Calories

90 Calories

Running (9minutes/mile)

240 Calories

320 Calories

Scrubbing floors

134 Calories

180 Calories


206 Calories

276 Calories


262 Calories

352 Calories

Stacking wood

110 Calories

146 Calories


200 Calories

268 Calories


136 Calories

180 Calories


62 Calories

84 Calories


100 Calories

134 Calories

Strength or resistance training, such as lifting weights or working out on exercise equipment, builds muscle. This type of exercise isn't just for body builders. Building muscle offers several benefits:

  1. Your body develops definition and firmness.
  2. You burn more calories.
  3. Bones strengthen, which helps protect against osteoporosis.
  4. Balance improves significantly.
  5. The pain from arthritis decreases, and your range of motion improves.
  6. Your spirits are boosted.

Activities that don't burn calories

Unfortunately, some activities just don't burn as many calories as others. If the types of activities listed comprise the extent of your exercise habits, it's time to get into gear and get moving!

  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Running off at the mouth
  • Catching your breath
  • Standing on ceremony
  • Toeing the line
  • Jogging your memory
  • Hitting the books
  • Raking in the bucks
  • Sweeping it under the rug
  • Playing the field
  • Marching to the beat of a different drummer
  • Skipping a beat
  • Exercising caution r' Swinging on a star
  • Social climbing
  • Running scared
  • Jumping for joy

If you're new to exercise, you don't have to run to the gym; simply walking may be enough for you to increase your muscle mass. When you can walk easily for 60 minutes at a brisk pace, having followed the plan outlined in Table, you may need and want to push for more of a workout. Adding resistance training is a good way to go.

The following outlines a suggested program for weight training. Get the help of a personal trainer or gym instructor to build a routine for you that you can do at home with hand-held weights or do at the gym on the machines.

Recommended Program for Weight Training

Frequency: 3 days a week

Resistance: Use a weight that you can lift comfortably

Repetitions: 12 to 15 in 30 seconds (The last lift should be difficult.)

Stations: Work 8 to 12 muscle groups

Total time: 20 to 30 minutes

... andjoyohoxing