Sunday, November 25, 2007

Super Snack foods: Your Healthy Alternatives

Supermarket shelves offer us unlimited 'treats' and processed foods to snack on, and when you are busy it can be easy to succumb to convenience foods. Having your pantr and fridge filled with healthy alternatives is the key.

Here are some of our favourites:

thinly cut carrots and celery with different dips (hummus, pesto)
raw nuts (or lightly roasted by yourself) and raisins
fresh fruit (for children, try cutting it up and serving it on skewers!)
rice or rye crackers, plain or with dips
whole-grain bread or toast with vegemite, honey, banana, avocado or cheese;
home-made cake or biscuits (as an occasional sweet treat)
yoghurt (try it with mashed banana, or dip some fruit into it);
fruit smoothie (see page 95), using frozen or fresh fruit, whey powder, yoghurt and ice.

... andjoyohoxing