We have heard it many times: 'You are what you eat! Everything that goes into your mouth can help or hinder your body in performing a multitude of functions. Taking care of your body should be a priority. It is the only one you have been given and it deserves the very best you have to offer. But your body does not need to look like that of an Olympic athlete or supermodel to look good, or feel healthy. Taking care of yourself does not need to take up huge amounts of extra time either. It can easily become a part of your everyday life. As you become more informed and understand how your body works at its best, you will naturally find yourself drawn to healthy food and exercise. And this will mean that you will look good and feel healthy, with more energy, more vitality, and skin glowing with good health!
(Over 200 studies have shown that people who consume a lot of vegetables and fruit have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke than those who do not.)
For many people, food is more than a source of fuel for the body. Food is also an emotional comforter and is eaten in times of stress, anxiety or boredom. Unfortunately, comfort food is often food that is indulgent and sweet. Our relationship with food can be complex, and seeking help to create positive habits is a good first step. Many of these tools are addressed in the Mind Care chapter, and visiting one of the CAM therapists can also be of great benefit
To get the body in tone, get the mind in tune.---------Zachary T. Bercovitz
An orthodox approach to health usually treats the symptoms and focuses on healing the individual as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is because we demand the quick fix: we don't have time to be ill or to let the body recover. A holistic approach, however, takes into account the whole person, their mental, emotional and often spiritual well-being as well as their energy and nature, their individual needs and lifestyle. They are all interrelated, each relying on the other for optimum health. A holistic approach also emphasises our deep connection with nature and what it has to offer.
Many CAM therapists cultivate a healthy mind, body and spirit approach incorporating good nutrition, healthy exercise, good breathing and relaxation.
A holistic approach also takes into account the intention behind choices and actions. Watch the way someone prepares a meal if they love cooking. See how someone enjoys exercising the body if it is not seen as a 'must do: Listen to someone who is passionate about the food they eat, especially if it is homegrown. Many believe that you can even taste and see the energy in food depending on how it is prepared. When looking at your health holistically, you will automatically be drawn to things that are good for you, and you will come to love more natural foods